10 Health Benefits of Anise Seed

10 Health Benefits of Anise Seed

Anise Seed contains high amount of Vitamin C, A, B6, Iron, Calcium and Magnesium. Health benefits of Anise Seed includes preventing asthma, strengthen Immunity, prevent stomach disorder and Anise Seed also good for eyes and skin.

Anise seed is one of the natural highly prized spices cultivated in many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Anise is Pimpinella anisum. It belongs to the Genus Pimpinella, family Apiaceae. It is believed that this natural herb is native to the Middle-East and Mediterranean region; most likely started in the fruitful fields of the Nile delta in the Egypt, but now it is also cultivated widely all over the world for domestic and commercial purpose. Anise is an enduring home grown plant; by and large, grows up to a tallness of around 2 feet. White blooms show up in umbels by July. Anise seeds include oval or bent, comma shape, around 3-4 mm long, light brown color and fine stripes over its external surface.

Due to various types of Vitamin, Minerals and nutrients, present in the Anise seed it has lots of health benefits. Among that some of the health benefits of Anise seed include improving Digestive Health, Helps to Reduce the Cholesterol, Improves Immune System, Prevents the Risk of Cancer, Helps to Reduce Blood Pressure, Prevents Respiratory Disorder, Improves Bone Health, Prevents Diabetes, Improves Skin Health and Improves Eye Health

Nutritional Value of Anise seed:

Anise seed contain lots of Vitamin, Minerals and other components. Some of the vitamins Anise seed has Vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Folate, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid and Riboflavin. Anise seed also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, Omega 6 fatty acids, dietary fiber, sodium and potassium, which have lots of health advantages. Apart from this Anise seed also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. The best part of the Anise seed is, it contains zero cholesterol.

Anise seed Prevents various types of Cancer:

Due to the high amount of antioxidant found in Anise seed, it is very beneficial for our health and also helps to prevent various types of cancer from our body because antioxidant helps to prevent the oxidative damage to our healthy cells from free radicals; these free radicals are the main causes of various types of cancer in our body.

Anise seed Boost Immune System:

Anise seed is highly rich in Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, which is very beneficial for our overall health and it also boosts our immunity. Vitamin C, and Vitamin A contains antioxidant properties that help in fighting against free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to our healthy cells. Vitamin C also helps to increase the production of white blood cells, thus helps to boost in the immune system.

Anise seed Improves Skin Health:

Anise seed is highly rich in vitamin C, some B family vitamins and mineral such as phosphorous and zinc, which is very good for our skin health. Vitamin C fights against free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to our skin cells, which is the main cause of various types of skin issues, such as wrinkles, dark sport, etc.

Anise seed Improves Eyesight:

Due to the high amount of beta-carotene found in Anise seed, which further converted into vitamin A in our body is very beneficial in preventing retina damage. Beside this vitamin A is an antioxidant, which protects our eye cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Different studies have been proven that consumption of Anise seed can prevent macular degeneration, night blindness, cataract, etc.

Anise seed Lower Blood Sugar Level:

Anise seed is highly rich in dietary fiber and essential oil, such as estragol, p-anisaldehyde, anise alcohol, acetophenone, pinene, and limonene, which is very beneficial for our overall health and also helps to prevent the risk of diabetes because fiber helps to promote the production of insulin in our body, which helps to slow down the sugar absorption in the blood stream, thus helps to reduce the sugar in the blood.

Anise seed Prevent Anemia:

Generally, we all know, Anemia is a disease of iron deficiency in our body. So consumption of iron rich food, such as Anise seed can defiantly help in improving the iron level in our body that reduce the risk of anemia.

Anise seed Improves Bone Health:

Anise seed is highly rich in calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, which is very beneficial for our bone health and keep our bone strong and healthy. Different studies have been proven that consumption of calcium rich food, such as Anise seed on a regular basis, can improve our bone mineralization and prevent various bone related issues, such as Osteoporosis.

Anise seed Reduce Inflammation System:

Anise seed contains high amount of essential oil, such as estragol, p-anisaldehyde, anise alcohol, acetophenone, pinene, and limonene, which has anti-inflammatory properties that helps in reducing the pain and swelling. Due to the high amount of copper content in Anise seed, it acts as an anti-inflammatory; studies have been proven that consumption of Anise seed on a regular basis can reduce various types of inflammation related issues, such as arthritis.

Anise seed Prevents Respiratory Disorder:

The Anise seed herb has been utilized for the treatment of different issue. It helps to prevent respiratory issues like bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, and so forth.

Anise seed Reduce Blood Pressure:

Anise seed is highly rich in potassium content, which acts as a vasodilator, which means, it reduces the strain from the blood vessels and provide smooth passage of blood through the arteries. Apart from these different studies have been proven that consumption of potassium rich food, such as Anise seed on a regular basis can reduce the blood pressure and prevent various types of disease, such as hypertension.

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