Yearly Archives - 2021

8 Health Benefits of Quinoa

Health benefits of Quinoa include preventing the Risk of Cancer, improves Digestive Health, reduces Blood Pressure, improve Brain Health, prevents the Risk of Anemia, improves Eyesight Quinoa are a one of the delicious edible seed cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Quinoa...


8 Health Benefits of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is highly rich in Vitamin C, A, B6, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Dietary fiber. Health benefits of Nutmeg includes improving cognitive function, reduce pain, prevent insomnia and Nutmeg also good for skin and heart Nutmeg is one the natural herb cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous...


8 Health Benefits Of Cauliflower

Cauliflower is highly rich in Vitamin C, K, B6, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Dietary fiber. Health benefits of Cauliflower includes strengthening digestive health, reduce cholesterol, prevents cancer and Cauliflower also helps in weigh loss Cauliflower is a one of the wonderful vegetable cultivated in many regions throughout the world with...


8 Health Benefits of Almonds

Health benefits of Almonds include lowering cholesterol level, improves brain function, prevent the risk of anemia, contain antibacterial and antiviral properties, boost immune system, improve cardiovascular health. Almonds are a one of the edible nuts cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Almonds...


6 Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is a flavourful juicy berry of a woody, twining vine. It's full with supplements like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. Kiwi fruit is a flavourful juicy berry of a woody, twining vine. It is local to China and is known as the nation's national...


Gut Health Workshop

In this workshop, I discussed ways to create a healthy gut to build a strong immune system. We focused on very practical and effective tips that any busy professional can start following today to increase their energy levels, sleep better, improve digestion and fight seasonal colds. In recent times...


Beauty Foods

How do you nourish yourself, your skin, your body, and your mind? Learn how to better understand what is going on in your body, by listening to your skin and learning how to work with the body's own systems to restore balance. We will start the class by sharing a...


Natural Beauty 101

During this class you will learn about ingredient labels and what defines a healthy/clean beauty/eco/natural product. We will discuss the differences between flower essences, essential oils, tinctures, extracts and oxymels. We will discuss how to heal your skin and return it back to a state of balance, as well...


Plant-Based Cooking

Plant-Based Cooking Dates: 25th September - 26th September 2021 2 day course, £190. We offer on-site accommodation for this course - see below for details. Create Delicious Plant-Based Meals Discover a new way of cooking with an inspiring weekend of hands-on lessons to create delicious, colourful and nourishing plant-based dishes using high-quality ingredients. These weekends...


Looking After Your Health

Looking After Your Health Dates: Wednesday 8th - Sunday 12th September 2021 Wednesday 17th - Sunday 21st November 2021 5-day course, £495. Course Overview In five days, this transformative course will teach you how to cook over 70 healthy wholefood, plant-based recipes in 10 hands-on cooking classes. It will help you create balance and understand...