9 Health Benefits of Okra

9 Health Benefits of Okra

Okra is highly rich in Vitamin C, B, folic acid, potassium, calcium and dietary fiber. Health benefits of Okra includes preventing diabetes, reduces cholesterol level, strengthen bones and immune system and Okra also helps in weight loss.

Okra is a wonderful vegetable also known as “Lady’s Finger” in english or in Hindi it called “Bhindi” cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Okra is “Abelmoschus esculentus”. It belongs to Mallow family. It is believed that this vegetable is origin from South Asian, Western African and Ethiopian, but now it is cultivated throughout the world. India is a country who is the largest producer of Okra in the world. In India this wonderful vegetable is grown in almost all states in large scale such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.

Okra has lots of health advantages due to the minerals, vitamins and organic compounds presence in this wonderful vegetable. Some of the health benefits of Okra includes control cholesterol level, improve vision, good for digestive health, boost skin health, Protect from certain cancer, protect infant health, prevent cardiovascular disease, strengthen bones, boost immune system, protect heart health and lower blood pressure.

Nutritional Value of Okra:

Okra has long list of nutritional value such as Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients and many more. Some of the vitamins that Okra has include Folates, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Some of the minerals that Okra has include calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus and Selenium. It also has sodium and potassium. Apart from this it also have some Phyto-Nutrients such as Carotene, Cryptoxanthin and Lutein-zeaxanthin.

Okra is Good For Digestive Health

Okra is high rich in Dietary fiber; it helps to keep our digestive health healthy. Mucilaginous fiber found in okra adds bulk to our stomach which helps to move food in our digestive track smoothly and efficiently, as a result our bowel movements are more frequent and in time so that we can reduce various kind of gastrointestinal issue like cramping, constipation, bloating and excess gas. Dietary fiber content of okra also helps to eliminate waste from our body because it bulk add to the stool and those are suffering from diarrhea is also can reduce by adding bulk in stool. Apart from this dietary fiber can also help to reduce cholesterol level from our body.

Okra is Vision Booster

Okra is high rich in Vitamin A and it also very rich in antioxidant content like xanthin, lutein and beta carotenes. All these antioxidants are very useful to fight and stabilized free radicals of our body. These free radicals are an unsterilized ion that is present in our body. Antioxidants stabilized the free radicals and stop them to do oxidative damage to our healthy body cells. Free radicals are the main culprit in degeneration of the cell in our body which is one of the main causes of Vision loss due to age. As per the researcher adding okra in our daily diet can useful to prevent various type of visionary problems.

Okra is Good For Skin Health

As we all know Vitamin A is very important compound for our body because it helps to protect our skin by reducing scar and acne from our skin. Vitamin A also has quick healing properties so that it will repair the damage cells and prevent wrinkle formation on the skin. Okra is high rich in vitamin A, adding this in our daily diet we can reduce various type of skin issue and keep our skin healthy and glowing. Apart from this those antioxidants found in okra also help in neutralizing and stabilizing free radical on our body, thus prevent the oxidative damage of skin cells.

Okra Helps in Immune System

Immune system is the very vital part of our body because it helps to protect our body by fighting again foreign pathogens like bacteria and virus and other harmful materials that can harm your health. Vitamin C contains found in Okra is very useful to boost our immune system because it helps to improve white blood cells. Apart from this the antioxidants found in okra also help in neutralizing and stabilizing free radical of our body to do the oxidative damage of our body cells.

Okra Prevents diabetes

Okra is high rich in dietary fiber. Due to the presence of dietary fiber it is very useful to prevent diabetes. Generally diabetes is a issue where our body is unable to create insulin to observe sugar in our body so sugar level is increase in our blood stream. Dietary fiber are very useful to control sugar level in our body and slowing down the absorption in the intestines. As per the researcher those who are consume okra in a daily basis they have less chance to get affected by diabetes.

Okra is Beneficial during Pregnancy

Due to the presence of folates in okar it is highly recommended for ladies during preconception and during pregnancy because it helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as disabilities of brain, spine or spinal of the unborn baby.

Okra Controls asthma

Due to the presence of Vitamin C in okra which has anti-inflammatory in nature are very useful in prevent asthma. As per the researcher those who have consume okra in a daily basis they have less chance of affecting from asthma.

Okra Lowers the risk of colon cancer

Okra is high rich in dietary fiber which help to add bulk to our system thus eliminate of waste from our body which further helps in reduce the chance of colon cancer. Apart from this okra also contain high amount of antioxidants so this is very useful to prevent and stabilized the free radicals from our body which might affect oxidative damage to our cells. This is another reason for colon cancer.

Okra Controls Obesity

Obesity is the one of the biggest problem all over the world. Due to the presence of dietary fiber in Okra it is very useful in weight management. We can reduce the obesity problem by reducing our daily calories intake or doing physical exercise so that we can burn more calories. Okra has dietary fiber is help to keep our stomach to feel full for longer period of time and it control our urge to eat again and again so that we eat less. Thus it helps in weight control.

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