Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness

The Importance of Workplace Wellness

You care about your workforce, and your workforce cares about their health and nutrition!

Addressing nutrition wellness can improve mental health, decrease medical costs, reduce sick time as well as increase productivity, and decrease absenteeism.

Nutrition plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of the top most common diseases in Canada that include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and mental health issues.

At Glory Edward we work with small to large organizations that invest in employee wellness, which has a positive impact on employee engagement as well as on controlling escalating employee health costs.

What Are The Most Common Employee Health Needs? Download A Fact Sheet

    Workplace Wellness Services

    Nutrition Wellness Seminars

    Nutrition Wellness Seminars are a turnkey solution that can complement an existing employee wellness program or be an easy way to start one!
    Our seminars provide valuable knowledge and practical advice, delivered by an engaging speaker.

    Whether you are looking to build an ongoing program or offer a seminar as a one-off perk, nutrition is a relevant topic for all employees.

    See Seminar Topics!

    Nutrition Coach Day

    Book a Nutrition coach Day onsite to provide individual nutrition counselling and coaching to employees. Busy employees appreciate taking care of appointments without having to take time off. A Nutrition coach only needs a meeting room.

    Healthy Menus

    While free or sponsored lunches are incredible perks that help to improve culture, collaboration and employee happiness, it can be a challenge to offer a meal or snack program that is also mindful of the employee health aspect.

    To help offer balanced meals at work that help avoid weight gain and fatigue, excessive intake of fats, sugar and sodium should be avoided. Glory Edward Nutrition coach will help you design healthy menus that will also boost energy and productivity and incorporate the latest The UK Eatwell Food Guide updates if that is part of your menu goals.

    Why Worplace Wellness Is Relevant To All Employees

    • We all eat. Because we all eat, nutrition wellness is a topic that every employee can relate to and find value in.
    • Nutrition myths are everywhere. Nutrition sciences evolve with research, which also means that our knowledge needs updating from time to time.
    • Nutrition labels and Health UK recommendations have changed and improved nutrition literacy can help with choosing foods and ingredients when preparing healthy meals.
    • Fad diets and trends dominate social media that are supported by various influencers. Many employees may try approaches like the Keto diet that could lead to health concerns such as high cholesterol and a potential need for medication.
    • UK citizens spend 35% of their food budget eating out (or on takeout). Prepared meals are usually higher in sodium, carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fat, as well as larger portion sizes and lower in vegetables, which are associated with several health concerns.